Sunday, August 24, 2008

White gloves and party manners, you jerk!

Yes, yes! It is true. I am an official graduate of the White Gloves and Party Manners course. Never heard of it? Well, I think that's because I don't think it's existed since 1978.

Every Saturday morning for about a month, I timidly took the escalator to the second floor of Halle's department store to learn how to become a little lady. Apparently, being born with a vagina is not enough. The class was taught by Shirley Ramsey, the local weather woman from WICU. By the by, her husband was missing a hand. I ran into them at the Loblaws shopping one day. For years, I would wonder if he had peripheral attachments. It made him so mysterious. By association, that also made Ms. Ramsey cabalistic in some way. Anywho, yeah... party manners... I gots 'em.

To graduate, we had to prepare a small room for a party. Setting the table, wrapping the presents, making the punch, etc. Then we were sent out into the world to really make a difference in domestic entertaining. You didn't think girls above the Mason-Dixon line were capable of it, did you? I still hold the WGAPM premise close to my heart. "Please" and "thank you" never go out of style. And, if you disagree, you definitely deserve a sock in the jaw.

I like to collect recipes and to keep a neat house. Everything in its place. I wrote a thank you note for every damned baby gift we received for the girls. I think writing letters and getting letters in the mail is AWESOME! I find it incomprehensible that some people don't know how to place silverware properly around a plate. I don't think the Crafty Revolution is very revolutionary, since I've been tooting crafty/knitty/stitchy praises for decades! But, I'm glad others are finally taking solice in a comforting kind of creativity; and not just that razor blade style inspiration to which we've become accustom. Mind you, don't for one moment think I wouldn't snap on you if you bump into me one too many times at a bar (which is about once). However, we can all be civil about it, can't we?

So, be nice... or you'll get a vague note with nasty undertones on monogramed stationary from me. Got it.

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The book.

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The author.

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